SAMBUCUS NIGRA (Samb.) سمبوکس – سیمبوکس RESPIRATORY AFFECTIONS WITH EXCESSIVE PERSPIRATION MENTAL Suffocative attacks of asthma after fright. Mental symptoms during perspiration (confusion, restlessness, starting, unconsciousness, anxiety). Fear and anxiety during suffocative attacks. PHYSICAL Mostly a children’s remedy.…
The diagnosis of hyperactivity or / and attention deficit and other behavioral disorders / autism is a real world epidemic. A great number of parents are looking for natural alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs usually prescribed to “fix” these problems. My…
I am a Pakistani and Canadian citizen. I can feel your pain as my 10 years old son was also diagnosed as having moderate Autism. He was diagnosed at age 2 in Canada (2004). At that time he was put…

Case Study: Homeopathic Treatment for Underdeveloped Breast Tissue in a 17-Year-Old Girl Introduction: In this case study, Dr. Parinita details the treatment of a 17-year-old girl with underdeveloped breast tissue. This condition, where one breast remained flat while the other…

سائنسدانوں کے اندازوں کے مطابق دنیا بھر میں 35 کروڑ افراد ڈپریشن کے مرض کا شکار ہیں اور اب طبی ماہرین کا کہنا ہے کہ انھوں نے اس مرض کو سمجھنے اور اس کے علاج کے سلسلے میں ایک اہم…

Marysia Kratimenos discusses the homeopathic management of urinary tract infections Urinary tract infections are very common in adult women and may become recurrent. The most common is cystitis, an infection of the bladder, but infection may occur in any part of…
Schizophrenia is one of the most mysterious mental disorders. It not only affects the mental health of a person, but decrease the life expectancy by 12-15 years. This disorder was first time named “Dementia Precox (premature dementia)” by Emil Kraepelin.…

If you wish to experiment with homeopathic medicines, here are 10 medicines that are used for common ailments. These medicines should be taken in the 6th or 30th potency. Generally, if there is minor pain or discomfort, you should take the…

Mr BK Khan age 27 from Lahore visited for his treatment. He was reffered by one of my old patient who faced same kind of problem for years. The summary of Mr BK Khan case is being reproduced below. Early Morning whenever…
ACONITUM NAPELLUS (Acon.) All ailments acute or chronic are attended by fear of impending death and the feeling that death is imminent or near. Ailments that arise from fright that threatened the life of the person. FEAR…