A Testimonial by Muneer Chughtai: A Journey to Better Health with Dr. Hussain Kaisrani Introduction Around a year ago, I began my journey toward better health with Dr. Hussain Kaisrani, a renowned psychotherapist and homeopathic doctor based in Lahore, Pakistan.…
Fewer Meals, Better Health? Understanding Meal Frequency for Optimal Well-Being Introduction For centuries, the notion of “two meals a day” governed eating habits. Today, however, three meals a day—breakfast, lunch, and dinner—are considered the norm. But is this the healthiest…
Homeopathic Treatment and Medicine for Anxiety, Panic Attack Disorder, and Fear of Death | Dr. Hussain Kaisrani Introduction Experiencing severe anxiety can be overwhelming, especially when accompanied by physical symptoms like excessive sweating, sluggish blood circulation, or a sense of…

Patient Testimonial: Renewed Strength, Confidence, and Determination through Homeopathic Treatment Introduction: A Personal Journey of Transformation “Dr. Hussain, I have made many sacrifices in my life, and I’ve faced the consequences of those sacrifices. However, my main focus has always…
Fear, Phobia, Miasms, and Homeopathy: Insights from Dr. Hussain Kaisrani Summary: Discover the role of homeopathy in managing fear and phobias, including remedies for childhood anxiety, sycosis, and syphilis miasms. Expert insights by Hussain Kaisrani – Psychotherapist and Homeopathic Consultant.…
A Successful Case of Homeopathic Treatment: Overcoming OCD and Mental Health Struggles Case Presentation by: Hussain Kaisrani – Psychotherapist and Homeopathic Consultant Case Overview Dr. Hussain Kaisrani, a psychotherapist and homeopathic doctor based in Lahore, successfully treated a 13-year-old boy…
Case Presentation: A Success Story of Severe Constipation, Piles and Haemorrhoids Treatment Introduction In this case study, we share the story of a 30-year-old woman who found relief from her long-standing issues of severe constipation, hemorrhoids (piles), and other related…
The Case of Mr. Chaudhry: A Journey to Recovery from Persistent Nightfall, Anxiety, and Physical Weakness Mr. Chaudhry, a 34-year-old resident of Sialkot, was struggling with nightfall and a range of debilitating health issues for over a decade. Despite trying various…

Child from Denmark with Autism, ADHD, and Developmental Delays Treated Successfully by Dr. Hussain Kaisrani Online Background: AC, a 4-year-old child from Denmark, had been facing significant developmental challenges since birth. His mother, who had previously sought homeopathic treatment for…

Migraine and Severe Headaches Took Over My Life – A Testimonial from a Medical Doctor Living in Pain: How Migraines Consumed My Life As a medical professional, I thought I understood pain and its management. Yet, nothing could have prepared…