Homeopathic was never something new or odd for me. I saw many successful best Homeopathic Doctors here in Pakistan. Homeopathic Doctor Hussain Qaisrani sb put his hard work and his passion in his work. He bring homeopathy to another level.…

Homeopathic was never something new or odd for me. I saw many successful best Homeopathic Doctors here in Pakistan. Homeopathic Doctor Hussain Qaisrani sb put his hard work and his passion in his work. He bring homeopathy to another level.…
نزلہ، کھانسی، زکام، ناک کا بند رہنا، چھینکیں، الرجی، سوتے ہوئے ناک کا بند ہوجانا یا سانس کی تکالیف وغیرہ کی شکائت بہت عام ہے۔ خاص طور پر موسم سرما میں تو یوں لگتا ہے کہ ہر دوسرے اِنسان کو…
Mr BK Khan age 27 from Lahore visited for his treatment. He was reffered by one of my old patient who faced same kind of problem for years. The summary of Mr BK Khan case is being reproduced below. Early Morning whenever…