Carcinosinum Cancerinum: A nosode from Carcinoma Historical background The first to mention and use Carcinosin, the cancer nosode, was James Tyler Kent. He called it ‘Carcinoma’, and this is how he prepared the remedy: The preparation of Carcinoma which I…
Techniques for Successful Repertorization of Homeopathic Case by George Vithoulkas One could say that solving a homeopathic case is easy in theory. One has only to choose the correct symptoms, underline them correctly, and the computer will find the simillimum.…
At times in the case-taking process it is of essential importance to disregard the suggestions that have been made by the computer and ask some basic case-taking questions such as: Is this person really healthy on the emotional level? For…
GENERAL QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Question: Cana person’s own intention prevent or facilitate the action of a remedy ? George : That is good one. The answer in no. What they can do is not let you know what they…
Causes of Kidney stones, symptoms and treatment of kidney stones with effective homeopathic remedies and their indicated symptoms Kidney stones or renal calculi or nephrolithiasis refers to condition of stone formation in kidneys. Stones can be formed in any region…
ABOUT HEALTH AND DISEASE George: I am not going to give you a lecture. I would like to communicate definite ideas to you concerning health, and I would like for you to discover homoeopathy together. Homoeopathy is a therapeutic…
SOME FACTS ABOUT GEORGE VITHOULKAS’S EARLY LIFE George : So I will get away from this a little, and give you some of the history of my life. The highlights are that during the German occupation during the Second…
IMPOTENCY George: I think somebody asked yesterday why did I prescribe Staph. The reasons why I prescribed Staph. in that case … you see, from the impressions that the interview gave, would you say that this man was preoccupied…
PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHOTIC DEPRESSION: Experiences of Stan Mayerson George: I want to make a small introduction. It is interesting for us, because in some cases we will have to deal with hospitalization of cases of mentally ill people during a…
HOMOEOPATHIC TREATMENT OF BABIES George : Today I want to give you some information concerning the treatment of little babies. When you come to the point of treating babies, you wonder what to look for, especially when you are treating…