An anal fistula is an abnormal connection between the epithelialised surface of the anal canal and (usually) the perianal skin. Anal fistulae originate from the anal glands, which are located between the two layers of the anal sphincters and which…
An anal fissure is an unnatural crack or tear in the anus skin. As a fissure, these tiny tears may show as bright red rectal bleeding and cause severe periodic pain after defecation.[1] The tear usually extends from the anal…
You have come to Homeopathy and I am sure you shall get perfect remedy with Homeopathy as it treats the whole body and not a particular disease. Please answer the questions seriously. ======================================================== 1. Personal Details Name: Country: Age &…
The primary characteristic underlying the Natrum mur. pathology is introversion arising out of a feeling of great vulnerability to emotional injury. Natrum mur. patients are emotionally very sensitive; they experience the emotional pain of others, and feel that any form…
Homeopathy is a form of medicine which views and treats the body as a whole entity and helps it heal itself. It can be used for acute or chronic illnesses. The treatment is based on the principle that substances which are poisonous in…
بیلاڈونا Belladonna اس دوا کا زیادہ تر اثر دموی اورصفراوی مزاج والے مریضوں پر ہوتا ہے۔ ایسے مریض بحالتِ صحت خوش مزاج اور ہنس مُکھ ہوا کرتے ہیں لیکن جب بیمار ہوں تو وہ تند مزاج ہو جاتے ہیں…
ایلیم سیپا Allium Cepa دنیاۓ ہومیوپیتھی میں ڈاکٹر ولیم بورک کی کثیر المطالعہ تصنیف ” بورک میٹریا میڈیکا ” کلیدی حیثیت رکھتی ہے جس کے انگریزی میں کئی ایڈیشن شائع ہو چکے ہیں اور یہ دوا میٹریا میڈ یکا…
Homeopathy is a system of medicine developed between 1790 and 1843 by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician whose aim was to restore health to the sick through rapid and gentle means. By restoring health and harmony, homeopathy helps enable…
ڈاکٹر ہانیمین نے اپنی شہرۂ آفاق تصنیف آرگنن آف ہومیوپیتھک میں مرض کے متعلق لکھا کہ جسم انسانی کے کسی خاص اعضاء یا متعدد اعضاء کی نارمل کارکردگی میں کوئی نقص پیدا ہو جانا مرض کہلاتا ہے۔ جب بھی جسم…
LIST OF MENTAL RUBRICS / SYMPTOMS IN HOMEOPATHY: Abandoned : Feeling of being left alone without help Forsaken : Feeling of being left alone without help Deserted : Feeling of being left alone when most needed Abashed :…