Do you wake up in the morning sneezing continuously?
Do you wake up feeling tired and wanting to go back to sleep ?
Do you feel heaviness in the head?
Do you have a constant nose block?
Do you keep clearing your throat all the time?
We get a lot of patients who have sinusitis or who have went through surgery for sinusitis and it came back again, coming to us asking us if we can help them.
How common is sinusitis?
Around 134 million Worldns suffer from chronic sinusitis, it affects 1 in 8 Worldns.
What happens in sinusitis?
Now these are the sinus cavities which are there on either side of the face and here (above eyebrows). These cavities are supposed to be filled with air so that our head remains light and good, but in people with allergy, what happens is, you have this sneezing, running nose and all that.
There’s a lot of phlegm which gets produced and it gets accumulated in the sinuses. Now, once this phlegm get accumulated in your sinuses, this causes heaviness in the head, it causes nose block, it causes the dull feeling, you wake up in the morning not feeling fresh, feel like you have not slept enough.
The phlegm from here trickles into your throat and then you feel like going on hawking..ahem ahem ahem you feel like clearing your throat all the time.
The symptoms that happen in sinusitis are:
You wake up in the morning with sneezing, running nose, nose block, itching in the eyes, itching in the ears, itching in the throat, watering of the nose, watering of the eyes, heaviness in the head, phlegm, You keep clearing your throat, ahem feel dull when you wake up in the morning, you feel like going back to sleep, you’re very lethargic. These are the symptoms of sinusitis.
You may have all these symptoms or you may have few of these symptoms, but these are mostly the symptoms of sinusitis.
Allopathic approach:
So typically(erase) when you go to a doctor with heaviness in the head, nose block, throat infection, pain in the throat and all that, he will give you an antibiotic, then he will you the Karvol to do the steam inhalation, If that doesn’t help he might put you on a steroid, nasal spray.. that also doesn’t help then he’ll tell you we need to remove(clear) these sinuses by a surgery.
Now, like I told you before these sinuses are filled with phlegm. Now(erase) with the surgery what will he do, he will remove the phlegm, you will feel very good, and then he will give you nasal spray, you will feel good for 2-3 months’ time but he’s not done anything for your allergy.
Your phlegm is going to come back, your sinuses are again going to be filled. That is why you typically see people coming back in 3-4 months with the symptoms of sinus all over again.
Homeopathic Approach:
So what we do in homeopathy is (erase) we basically believe that it is the allergy which is causing the phlegm, this phlegm is going and getting accumulated in the sinuses and that is what is causing the sinus issue. So we tackle the allergy, with our medications we improve the immune system of the person so that he will not get the kind of allergy that he is getting.
He will not start sneezing, runny nose, so that there is no production of phlegm and there is no accumulation of phlegm, while this is going on, the homeopathic medicines will get rid of the phlegm that is there.
So within a few days or a week itself, that heaviness in the head, nose block, the trickling into the throat, the clearing of the throat, the throat pain all this will come down. If you continue this medications over a period of time, you will not get this repeated attacks of sinusitis.
Those people who are already on allopathic medication.
We make them stop their allopathic medication and we ask them to take Homeopathy for three months. In some cases where the sinusitis is chronic, we start homeo medicines along with allopathy and over a period of time taper their allopathic medicines. Most people respond in about three to six months’ time, there are some people that take longer time to respond.
What happens if you don’t treat sinusitis?
If left alone, the phlegm goes into your lungs and causes bronchitis that leads to asthma and stuff like that.
Diet Restrictions:
I typically advise not to take cold, yoghurt and banana. These are the things which increases the phlegm formation. So I typically tell them to avoid these things and it helps.
Do’s and Don’ts:
We need to remember, that the sinuses are full. So when you sleep under the fan at night, that air will go and accumulate the phlegm further and cause more heaviness, that’s the reason you wake up in the morning feeling very groggy, with a headache, you don’t feel like you have slept enough and all that.
So people who use AC, I always tell them through the year try and sleep in the AC but at a temperature around 24-25, so that it’s not very cold. Make sure that the blower is not on your face.
Keep the temperature even, so that through out the night you are sleeping in an even temperature. If you sleep without an AC, what happens is, 12 o’clock there is one temperature, 2 o’clock one temperature, 4 o’clock one temperature, that is how you wake up in the morning feeling very uneasy.
Try and keep it at a stable temperature and sleep without the AC on your face, you will become much better. It might suit some of us and might not suit others but there is no harm in trying it out.
Don’t have sudden chilled water which can aggravate, you know, the chilled water will go, it will solidify the phlegm inside again, and it might cause a problem.
Now we are giving you a steaming drops. These drops don’t have any smell, it is white in colour, use about 8 to 10 drops in the steamer. And while you do steaming you don’t have to cover yourself, you don’t have to sweat and all that. All I want you to do is (erase) take the steam into your nostrils with your mouth closed, breathe out through your mouth. Do it for about three to five minutes. Don’t sit too close, you don’t have to cover, you don’t have to sweat, the idea is for the Steam carrying the medicines to go into your sinuses and give you relief if you are able to do this continuously for some time.(erase)
There are lots of kids who come to us with sinusitis, it’s not just a question of adults, lot of kids have sinusitis.
We get a lot of kids coming to us with headache. So when you investigate you find out that they have Sinusitis, of course, it also comes with adenoids, tonsils and all put together.
But sinus is a very very common condition that affects millions of kids.
It’s not a big thing to deal with, it is something that can be completely controlled and the recurrent infection can be controlled. You will not fall sick frequently if you are on homoeopathic medication for some time. We have been able to help a lot of people, and I am sure we can help you too.
What would I do if I were in your place?
I would for sure not start allopathic medications or go for a surgery. I know that I am not risking anything by giving Homeopathy around 6 months to try and get rid of the phlegm and allergic complaints.
Do not go for a surgery or start on any allopathic medications until you have given Homeopathy a try for at least about three to six months. Trust me, nothing is going to happen to you in these three to six months’ time. But if these medicines can help you avoid surgery and prevent recurrence for the rest of your life, isn’t it worth giving it a try?
Take care.
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