A Case Cured with Baryta Carbonica

Baryta Carbonica is considered a constitutional remedy for those who are dwarfish in body or mind. They are mentally backward and late in learning. They usually have a weak memory, are inattentive, irresolute and very much concerned about their appearance. They will colour their hair when it gets gray or use various colours to look prettier and more accepted by other people. Baldness may be a prominent physical sign in the affected Bar-c person.  The remedy can increase one’s memory, attention, self-confidence and intelligence.

Case Analysis:  A single man, aged 28 complaining of male type baldness was visited at his home in February 2013. He expressed ideas and beliefs about God and Satan that seemed rather illogical and unbalanced. He is an architectural engineer who usually works on private projects at home. He lives with his mother and is still single. He could hardly come to a clear decision on various subjects. His brother and two sisters are living in Australia and two sisters and two brothers are residing in Tehran. He was very much concerned about being bald. His main rubrics led me to Baryta carb.


A dramatization


HEAD – HAIR – baldness

MIND – MEMORY – weakness of memory



One single dose of Bar-c 30CH was prescribed. He was instructed not to take anything 30 minutes before and after taking Baryta carb.

After 40 days he was asked about the changes he had experienced. His hair looked to have grown more and he looked much happier than at his first visit. He used an interesting expression about his experience with the remedy: “I have come out of a nightmare”. His energy had increased for his daily activities. He could decide much easier about various subjects and was more confident. He felt happier than before. His unbalanced thoughts on God and Satan had changed and he now had   clear ideas on moral and religious subjects. His behavior had improved remarkably, as well. Another dose of the same remedy was prescribed.

I met him at a social ceremony recently on Aug. 1st 2013. He looked happy and pleased with his treatment and had not experienced any aggravation after the remedy. He was willing to be visited for the 3rd time. His mother was also pleased with the changes in her son, both mentally and physically. No recurrence was observed in the patient six months after taking two doses of Bar-c 30 CH.


Baryta carbonica helped the patient mentally by taking him out of a nightmare-like life, and making him happy, confident, and decisive. His baldness improved by about 40% after about 6 months of taking the remedy. Thus we can consider the remedy in intellectual people with keynotes of the remedy to help them out of their crippling mental condition. Baldness is a very common problem in young men. Clinical trials are suggested to evaluate potential effects of remedies such as Baryta carb and Silica in helping young people grow hair naturally to enjoy their lives more and feel happier.

(Seyedaghanoor Sadeghi)

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