Successfully Treated: Homeopathic Solution for a Thin, Frail, and Skeletal Child | Hussain Kaisrani

Case Study: A 13-Year-Old Girl’s Journey to Healing with Homeopathic Treatment

Case Overview

In this case, we discuss a 13-year-old girl suffering from a range of emotional, physical, and psychological issues. Born and raised in London, her parents are originally from Karachi, Pakistan, and have been living in the UK for the past 20 years. The child, being British-born, had an incredibly difficult time dealing with her emotions and physical well-being. Despite being highly intelligent and diligent, she exhibited extreme emotional volatility, physical weakness, and was prone to psychological distress.

A Detailed Account from Her Mother – Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Her mother describes her as a very smart but emotionally volatile child. She is unusually thin and frail, almost skeletal in appearance, despite eating normally. Her mother describes her as “always restless, irritable, and prone to bursts of anger.” A minor comment or criticism would make her burst into tears or start sulking, and she frequently showed signs of dissatisfaction with everything around her. This persistent unhappiness led to frustration both for the child and her parents.

The mother shared that the child was always difficult to satisfy. Whether it was toys or food, the child would demand something specific, only to lose interest in it shortly after receiving it. This behavior started in early childhood and became progressively worse with age. As the mother explains, “It’s as if she deliberately disturbs my peace. I can’t even enjoy a moment of calm without her turning everything upside down.”

Despite being physically active and constantly seeking novelty, the child complained of persistent pain in her legs, headaches, and fatigue. Her mood swings were severe—one minute she’d be upset over the smallest thing, and the next, she’d be completely withdrawn, refusing to talk to anyone.

Additionally, she had a deep-seated fear of dogs (Cynophobia) and an aversion to cats. Her school performance had begun to decline, and reports of disruptive behavior were increasing. She had a history of anxiety, particularly around changes in her menstrual cycle, and her physical condition was also deteriorating. Weight loss, skin issues, and persistent headaches were common complaints.

The Homeopathic Solution: Treatment and Results

Her parents sought help from Dr. Hussain Kaisrani, a psychotherapist and homeopathic consultant, to address their daughter’s many symptoms. Dr. Kaisrani took a detailed case history and prescribed a series of homeopathic remedies, based on the girl’s unique psychological and physical profile.

Homeopathic Treatment Plan

The homeopathic remedies (ONLY one remedy at a time) administered over the course of six months included:

  1. Nux Vomica
  2. Bacillinum (Burnett)
  3. Calcarea Phosphorica
  4. Tuberculinum Bovinum Kent

Homeopathy works on the principle of treating the patient as a whole, considering both physical and emotional symptoms. In this case, Dr. Kaisrani carefully selected remedies to balance her mood, improve her physical health, and address her emotional difficulties.

The Transformation

Under Dr. Kaisrani’s care, the girl experienced significant improvements. Within six months, her mood swings reduced, and her irritability was much less pronounced. Her physical appearance also began to change—she gained weight, with a noticeable improvement in her overall body structure. Her energy levels increased, and her complaints of leg pain and headaches were less frequent.

Key Improvements:

  • Physical Health: Gained 8 kilograms in weight, her body looked fuller, and her general health improved.
  • Mental and Emotional Well-being: Reduced anxiety, mood swings, and irritability. She also became more socially engaged and responsive.
  • Behavioral Changes: Less prone to destructive behaviors like breaking things out of frustration. Her relationships with her family members also began to improve.

Why Choose Hussain Kaisrani for Homeopathic Treatment?

Dr. Hussain Kaisrani is a highly experienced psychotherapist and homeopathic consultant based in Lahore, Pakistan. He has a deep understanding of the psychological and physical challenges children and adults face. His holistic approach to treatment—integrating emotional support with homeopathic remedies—has successfully helped many patients achieve lasting improvements in their overall well-being.

With a strong commitment to patient care and a focus on individualised treatment, Dr. Kaisrani’s expertise offers a unique path to healing for individuals suffering from complex emotional and physical issues.

If your child is facing similar challenges, or if you’re struggling with emotional or physical health issues, reach out to Dr. Hussain Kaisrani today for a consultation.

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