Sir i’m from Islamabad so i cannot visit you. I’m very worried about my height. Is there any medicine or remedy to increase my height?

Dear Miss …..,

Thanks for your message. It is OK if you can’t visit. We can manage the matter through phone calls.

In homeopathy, there is no generalized remedy or medicine which can increase the height. If it was possible, then the treatment would have been very easy. The reasons of not increasing the height is different for different persons so we need to select the medicine which addresses that reason.

Some medicines rather combinations are available in the market in which all possible remedies related to height increase or growth are combined but, in general, those are not homeopathic or at least these medicines are NOT prepared as per homeopathic principles.

Yes, increase in height is possible till a certain age (ideally less than 20). We need a series of remedies which are selected on the feedback of client. In first interview (which is possible on phone 03002000210 if some one can’t visit the clinic), we try to find the reasons or blockages. Every individual has its own reasons which may be a cause of some problem so the remedy should also be individualized. Once the case is clear, we set some milestones to check whether we are on right track or not. These milestones are related to general and overall health improvement. This means that health level is also improved with an increase in height.

Generally, one can witness the difference within three months But increase in height may take around 6 months to start.

Hope it makes the matter clear!

Hussain Kaisrani

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