The physician’s task
Symptoms are the human body’s way to express the disease which lies wrapped up in layers deep within the man. The physician’s task is to understand the symptoms and then understand the patient’s true core of the disease.
If there are no symptoms that make a man say I feel means the body is free of disease.
Let’s explore this with an example,
While one sits on a seat or perhaps lies calmly on one’s bed, would one tend to notice one’s body parts if there is no change in one’s surroundings or some disturbance within that diverts one’s attention consciously towards a certain part?
Meaning that the only way one pays attention to one’s body is when it senses change outside it or a disturbance within it, otherwise one may try as hard as one can, but one will not be able to keep one’s focus for more than a few minutes on a certain part consciously.
Because while the body remains in a state of equilibrium, it is free, and this state of freedom is what I call health.
On the other hand, if one starts to feel or sense something wrong with him, physically, mentally, or emotionally, there is no way one can divert one’s attention off of that area of disturbance.
This feeling or sense of there is something wrong with me is what I call disease.
Symptoms do not tend to show up overnight, they have a reason and a purpose, and they are a result of a long-developed unseen sickness within man and so they should be understood.
Hence an astute healer shall not try to suppress, hide, or numb these symptoms, but he will make them a guide to perceive the unseen sickness that has arrested the body’s freedom to remain blissfully unaware of itself.
A healer who treats to free his patient of the feeling of sickness is the one who understands disease not the one who changes one set of symptoms for another, while never freeing the patient of the real ailment. Basically, the healer is trying to take the sick back to a state of equilibrium.
The goal for the one seeking treatment should also be the same, which is freedom from those feelings that make him feel sick.
And just like the symptoms have not developed overnight, so does the healing not happen overnight. It takes time in many cases to reveal the real sickness layer by layer to reach its core and root it out of the system.
Homeopathy is what helps the healer attain freedom for his patient from all those disturbances that keep his immunity unnecessarily arrested making him a slave to those feelings that don’t help him become a creative and productive part of the human community.
Curing with Science and a Touch of Art.
Psychotherapist & Homeopathic Consultant
Lahore Pakistan
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